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Falling for Him 2 (Rachel and Peter in Love) Page 7

  “Peter, it’s not your fault,” I tried to convince him.

  “That may be, but my breaking up with her pushed her over the edge. I don’t want her to do anything crazy, because I’d feel guilty for the rest of my life.”

  This bitch still held him hostage, even after their breakup. Knowing her, she might well have faked her nervous breakdown in a last attempt to make him stay with her.

  “When is she getting out of the hospital?” I asked.

  “A few days. Be patient a little while longer.”

  “I’m sorry. I just want to be with you so much.”

  “Me too, darling. Me too. I need to run, but I’ll talk to you soon.”

  I wasn’t crazy about the fact that Peter was sticking by Lara’s side throughout her mental crisis, but then again, it showed the caring side of his personality and I couldn’t fault him for that.


  Three days later, Peter called to tell me that he had left Lara for good. When she was released from the hospital, Peter had talked with her. “She was so ladylike and put together. It was kind of scary to tell you the truth.”

  “She didn’t get upset at all?” I asked incredulous. That didn’t sound at all like the Lara I had met on any occasion.

  “No. She didn’t even try to make a scene. I asked her father to be there just in case, and frankly he was as stunned with her lack of reaction as I was.”

  “She didn’t try to convince you to stay with her?”

  “Not at all. I went upstairs to pack the few of my things still at her place. When I came back downstairs I was prepared for a big crying scene, but she was very calm. She apologized for the breakdown and the inconvenience she had caused me. It was hard to stay mad at her.”

  I didn’t believe my ears, and anxiety crawled up into my heart. Please don’t tell me you are giving her another chance?

  “Don’t worry.”

  “How did you know I am worried?” I asked.

  “Because I can hear your thoughts churning away across the telephone line. I didn’t offer her another chance. I’m done with Lara. You’re the only woman I want to spend my time with.”

  His words made me so happy, tears started welling up in my eyes. Peter had left Lara and nothing was standing in our way now!

  Chapter 14

  “Peter, I’m so thrilled. Do you want to come over for a bit?”

  Peter laughed across the line, “I thought you’d never ask. I’ll be with you in twenty minutes.”

  “Hurray.” I hung up the phone and hurried to fix my makeup and put on some decent clothes. My pink fuzzy pajama pants and tank top might be fine for a night at home, but not for celebrating the return of my man.

  I had barely finished buttoning my shirt when I heard Karen let Peter in the apartment. I came out of my bedroom just in time to see Karen grabbing her purse and an overnight bag, “Where are you off to?” I asked.

  “Robert has tickets to a concert up in San Francisco and we’re going to spend the weekend up there.”

  “Have fun,” I called to her as she hurried out the door. Turning to Peter, I saw him looking at me with a glint in his eye,


  “Well… it would seem that we have the weekend all to ourselves.”

  I smiled back, “Yes, it would appear so. What would you like to do about that?”

  Peter pretended to think for several minutes before answering, “Well, there are several movies playing I haven’t seen yet, and t a new art exhibit….”

  He knew exactly what I wanted most and was teasing me. “No, no, no. I was thinking maybe we should take advantage of this nice empty apartment.”

  Peter nodded with a big grin, “Well, that of course is another option. Why don’t we discuss all of our options over dinner?”

  I started laughing, “Dinner sounds good, as long as I get my dessert afterwards!”


  Dinner was fabulous, but too long. Peter found every excuse possible to touch me throughout the drive to dinner, during dinner, and the drive home from dinner. By the time we re-entered my apartment, I was shaking with sexual tension and fed up with waiting on him.

  As he turned from locking the front door, I pushed him up against the door, taking his mouth with my own and running my hands through his hair.

  Peter growled and immediately took control of the kiss. Wrapping his arms around my hips, he pulled me into the cradle of his own, rocking against me to convey how much he wanted this.

  When I wrapped one leg around his hip, he shifted me higher, rubbing against me, pushing me closer to the point of no return.

  “Tell me there’s a bed nearby,” he murmured between kisses.

  I dropped my leg and took his hand, pulling him behind me down the hall and to my bedroom. He kicked the door shut and started pulling his shirt from the waist of his pants. I mimicked him, removing one article of clothing for every one of his. Soon, there was nothing left to remove and he stalked me across the room as I backed up.

  When the backs of my knees hit the mattress, he pushed slightly while grinning, following me down, but making sure he didn’t crush me with his weight.

  “Hi gorgeous,” he said, looking down into my eyes.

  “Hi. I’m glad you’re back,” I told him. “I missed you so much…”

  “Shush. Don’t start crying on me. That’s all in the past. From now on we only look forward. No more tragedies or ex-lovers. Just you and me.”

  “That sounds fantastic.” I pulled his head down for a kiss, brushing his bottom lip with my tongue, and trailing my lips to his ear where I whispered, “I need you now.”

  He placed his lips near my ear, and whispered back, “What’s the hurry?”

  I let my nails scrape down his back, and leaning up, bit his chest lightly, “I’ve been waiting for over a week.”

  “A week huh? Well, we can’t have that, can we? Although, I was looking forward to making slow, sensual love to you…”

  “Safe that for later. There’s an entire night ahead of us. And all day tomorrow too. Right now, make it quick.”

  “And hard?”

  “Most definitely hard.”

  Peter didn’t disappoint, taking us both quickly up the mountain of pleasure and tossing us both out into the void. When our breathing had calmed somewhat, rather than snuggling or resting, he began again. With his hands and mouth he mapped my body, before finally joining us together in a dance that not only united out bodies, but our souls as well.

  We finally fell asleep in the wee hours of the morning, safe in each other’s arms and secure in the knowledge that the future was going to be great.


  Peter had just returned from the bathroom the next morning, when his cell phone rang. It wasn’t all that unusual for him to receive calls at any day or hour and he didn’t think twice about answering it.

  Hearing his low voice, I rubbed a hand over my eyes and sat up in the bed, pulling the bed sheet up to cover my breasts in the process.

  “Mr. Shaw?”

  “Yes. This is Peter Shaw. Who’s this?”

  “Sir, this is Detective Crimshaw from the Santa Clara PD. We have a situation that requires your immediate attention downtown.”

  Peter looked at me and sat down on the edge of the bed, this didn’t sound good. “What’s the problem officer?”

  Officer? As in Police officer? What was going on?

  “Well sir, your girlfriend, Lara Bishop…”

  “Excuse me officer, Miss Bishop and I are no longer in a relationship. You might want to call her parents instead. I’d be happy to give you the number if you need….”

  “Sir, I don’t think you understand. If I could finish what I was saying earlier?”

  “By all means, go ahead,” Peter replied, not liking where this conversation headed.

  “Miss Bishop is currently standing on top of an office building in the downtown area. She is threatening to jump if you don’t immediately come down here and, I qu
ote ‘gets his punishment for ruining my life’. She is very insistent sir, and our experts believe she is committed to following through and jumping if you don’t talk to her.”

  I heard the policeman’s words and cringed. Just when Peter and started afresh, Lara had found another way to insert herself into Peter’s life. Now she was threatening to commit suicide if he didn’t do what she wanted!

  I can tell Peter is shocked as much as I’m at this turn of events. I hear him give the officer my address and then he hangs up and just sits there staring into space.

  “You know I have to at least go downtown and try to talk her off the roof.”

  I wasn’t sure if he asked me for permission or tried to justify going. I was so shocked that I didn’t say anything. What could I say? Let her jump and rid us of the constant problem she poses? Even though I’d liked to say that, it wasn’t a realistic option. I understood that he had to try and save her, that’s what good people do.

  “Please, Rachel….”

  I simply nodded and wrapped him in a hug. He has to go! If he doesn’t go, and she jumps, could I live with his guilt? Could he live with his guilt? No! He has to go and at least try to help!

  A police cruiser arrived several minutes later, and I watched as Peter left with them, sitting in the front seat of the cruiser and being filled in on the situation.

  I wrapped my arms around myself; lonely once again and wanting so badly to hold onto the happiness and love Peter and I had shared during the night. We had discussed our future at length and I had awakened this morning with a new lease on life and hope in my soul.

  Now this situation had arisen. How would it end? I want this situation to end quickly and without anyone getting hurt, but a part of me is very afraid of what might happen next.

  Hurry home Peter! The future is waiting for us!

  Find out what happens next:

  Falling for Him 3:

  If you haven’t read part 1 of the story, where Rachel and Peter first meet, make sure to get the book here:

  Falling for Him 1 :

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  Other Books by Jessica Gray

  Entangled Love

  Michael has watched Evelyn take on her father’s responsibilities since she was a young teenager. Keeping up appearances has taken its toll on her ability to let her father face the consequences of his actions.

  Michael has yearned for a deeper relationship with Evelyn for years, and has finally worn her defenses down, only to have her rush to her father’s rescue once again.

  Tired of waiting for her to acknowledge she has feelings for him, and unable to watch her marry someone else, he runs away for three years.

  Evelyn realizes she has made a terrible mistake, but Michael has run away before she can apologize. Determined to make things right, she spends years building their dream company along with childhood friend Victor.

  When Michael is thrown back into a working relationship with Evelyn and Victor, will they be able to ignore the hurt of the past and admit their feelings for each other? Or will they continue to hurt each other, destroying any chance of a happily ever after?

  Destroyed Dreams

  Melissa Taylor is a bitter, young, divorce attorney who no longer believes in happily ever after and would gladly support an initiative to make marriage illegal.

  Robert Cooper has allowed life to defeat him. A bad relationship has taken all the fight from him and he’s allowed his dreams to slip away.

  When the two meet, the sparks fly. The only thing they have in common is their dislike of all things relationship oriented. Can they find common ground? Is the concept of love dead or has it just been buried beneath the circumstances of their lives?