Falling for Him 2 (Rachel and Peter in Love) Read online

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  She just nodded and gave me a wry grin.


  When we arrived at the nightclub it was awfully crowded. There was a line of people waiting to get inside that stretched around the building. The bouncer’s didn’t allow anyone it at the moment (except for VIPs of course).

  Our taxi let us off right in front of the doors and I wanted to back out and go someplace else. But Karen had her mind set and immediately started flirting with the bouncers. I stood silently by, smiling whenever one of them looked my way, but I let Karen do all the talking. She was so good at this sort of thing and I was too shy to even initiate a conversation on my own.

  After several minutes of conversation, she grabbed my elbow and pulled me with her inside the club. I shook my head, not really amazed that she had pulled it off. Karen was pretty good at getting what she wanted. If I was only a bit more like her!

  The loud music almost deafened me and the bass pulsed through my spine with each beat. The dance floor was extremely crowded which worked out well for us since I didn’t want to dance. Instead, Karen located an empty table in the middle of the room. “Hey, stay here and I’ll go grab us a couple of cocktails.”

  “No, water’s fine for me.” I wasn’t all that good with alcohol.

  “Loosen up. You need to have just one. It will help you unwind and maybe, just maybe, you find that happy place you used to know.”

  “Fine. One, but no more. I don’t want to wake up tomorrow with a hangover.”

  “One. Try to get in a good mood. We are here to have fun after all.”

  Karen returned with our drinks and everything was fine for a while. We watched the people on the dance floor and listened to the music as we sipped our drinks. The alcohol was doing its job, and I felt much more relaxed. Just when I stood up to suggest we try out the dance floor, I saw HIM. Oh my god! He stood to our left with a group of young men.

  My knees immediately weakened, and I almost fell back into my seat. Karen noticed my action and followed my glance to see what had startled me. “Hey, isn’t that Peter over there?”

  I simply nodded. I fearfully looked around for Lara, but didn’t spot her. Evidently Peter was here with a group of guys. I had lost my desire for dancing and was ready to leave, “Let’s get out of here.”

  “Whoa! Not so fast. Why don’t you talk to him?”

  “I can’t! Karen, he doesn’t remember me.”

  Karen stood up and pulled me up beside her, “Then let’s go remind him.”

  I tried to struggle loose from her hold, but she was a woman on a mission and I was along for the ride unless I wanted to make a huge scene.

  Karen sidled up to the group of young men and started flirting with the nearest good looking guy. She had some nerves!

  Peter barely noticed her, but when he turned his eyes towards me, something happened. He opened his eyes wide as his gaze travelled the length of my body and back up to my eyes. His face showed a mixture of recognition and despair when he approached me, “Who are you? I know that dress!”

  I wanted to shout for joy, but then I remembered how badly I had felt in Spain. He still hadn’t recovered his memory!

  He took a few steps, bringing himself closer and our eyes locked. I saw a flicker of recognition in his gaze, but instantly it clouded over with uncertainty and desperation. “Sorry. I can’t make sense of it. I know you but I cannot remember. I had an accident and lost my memory. It’s slowly coming back, but only in bits and pieces. It drives me crazy.” He laughed a small self-deprecating laugh and my heart broke for him.

  I wasn’t quite sure what to say. “Uhm… my name’s Rachel.” What can I say? Hi, I’m your girlfriend? The one Lara ditched and lied about?

  “Rachel? What a sweet name!” He watched me with such a tender look in his eyes, as if he really cared for me. He slowly reached out and took my hand, caressing it with his fingers, never taking his eyes off mine.

  “I know you.”

  I still wasn’t sure what to say so I just looked back, once more cursing my own shyness. Here was the perfect opportunity to win him back, and I acted like some stupid and dumb little girl.

  He leaned towards me slightly, and my heart jumped into my throat as the thought that he might try to kiss me took hold. At the last second, he pulled back, asking, “Do you climb?”

  I held my breath. My heart was racing. Does he remember? I had never felt so completely helpless and excited at the same time.

  I nodded, “We met in Yosemite a few months ago.” Finally! I found my voice and actually spoke to him!

  Before Peter could answer, Robert – the guy Karen was flirting with, spoke up, “Hey man, what would Lara say if she caught you staring at other girls like this? Now that you two are together again.”

  Peter seemed very annoyed, but obeyed, “Of course, you’re right Robert. Somehow she triggered my memory. It’s so exasperating not remembering a rather big recent part of your life.” Turning towards me, he said, “Sorry, Rachel, I have to go.”

  Karen and I watched as Peter and Robert walked away. Karen curiously asked what exactly had happened. She made me tell her everything little detail of the short encounter as we left the night club.

  Suddenly she changed the topic and gushed about Robert. “Well, I gave Robert my phone number. He’s really cute, and he’s single,” she said in a singsong voice.

  I smiled at her, just wanting to be home already. The encounter with Peter had brought back all the hurtful feelings and yearnings that I was trying to put behind me. I was happy for Karen, but going to the nightclub had been nothing but a disaster for me.

  Chapter 11

  The next day…

  Karen’s phone rang, and she jumped for it, excited that Robert might be calling her. When she returned moments later, she held the phone to her ear with a puzzled look upon her face.

  “Who is it?” I whispered.

  She covered the mouthpiece and whispered, “Peter. He wants your phone number.”

  “… I feel a strong connection to her. Do you think she’d mind if I called her. I’m hoping that maybe she can help me regain some of my memory. It’s been all I could think about since last night.”

  “Have you had any progress getting your memory back?” Karen asked.

  “My fiancé, Lara, has been helping me with pictures and such. But something doesn’t feel quite right. It just feels odd. Until last night when I saw you and your friend. It was as if the missing piece of the puzzle stared me in the face.”

  “You think Rachel can help you when your fiancé hasn’t been able to?”

  “I know it sounds crazy, but when I saw her last night, my whole body seemed to recognize her, just my mind didn’t. And frankly, I’ve have the impression that Lara’s been hiding some part of my memory from me for weeks now. I need to find out if there’s anything to it. When I saw your friend, in that dress, for a second everything was coming clear, but then it clouded over again. It was like having an epiphany that doesn’t quite reveal itself completely.”

  “Well, I don’t know…” she hedged.


  “Hang on a sec.” Karen put the phone on mute and looked at me.

  I was so excited! He started to remember! And best of all, he knows that Lara’s hiding something from him.

  I recalled the events last night; his gaze had been so intense. We had experienced such a heat and attraction in the past, and last night proved that it was still there. His gaze had been so warm and caring, full of love, as if his heart remembers what his head forgot – he loves me!

  I anxiously nodded my head, telling Karen to give him my phone number! She obeys as I grin happily, and then disconnects the call.

  I’m overjoyed and on cloud nine! Karen doesn’t seem as thrilled, “I’m happy for you, Rachel. I really wish Robert would call me though. He’s so cute and we seemed to get along well.”

  I looked at her, “Karen, you only talked to the guy for a few minutes.”

I know, but we hit it off in those few minutes. I can usually tell very quickly if I want to get to know the guy better.”

  I shook my head at her; she was the consummate flirt. I hoped he would call her and maybe she would be as happy as I was. Peter had my phone number and wanted to call me!

  Chapter 12

  Peter did call and we arranged to meet at a local coffee shop. I was so excited about the date that I hardly slept the night before. I spent hours trying to decide what to wear. What would be the best way to trigger his memory? What could I wear that would make him remember me?

  After negating most of my choices, I finally decided to step out boldly – I put on my climbing outfit, the same one I had been wearing at his uncle’s cabin.

  I donned the exact same t-shirt and shorts. That day we had gone out hiking and swimming in the hot spring fed pool. Later we enjoyed our first sex, and I had known instantly that he was different.

  Just remembering that day sent shivers racing across my spine in delight. It had been such a fantastic experience and the start to a beautiful relationship that had prematurely ended when Peter became the victim of a hit and run.

  I glanced one more time at myself in the mirror and wondered at the appropriateness of wearing this type of attire in the middle of Santa Clara in late autumn. Shrugging my shoulders, I headed out the door. I couldn’t care less what anyone else thinks; if dressing this way helped Peter regain his memory. I was willing to pull all the strings at my disposal to help him do just that.

  This might well be my only chance at getting Peter back and, while I was usually the least daring person I knew, today wasn’t a day for sissies. I finally found the courage to take my fate in my own two hands and go after what I wanted!


  I arrived at the coffee shop, relieved to see Peter already there. When he turned and saw me, he stopped in his tracks and just stared. Everyone else also stared at me, but I only had eyes for him. I began to feel very uncomfortable the longer he stared at me. Hopefully he stared for at me for an entirely different reason than the other occupants.

  He walked closer, and I held my ground, never taking my eyes from his. “Rachel? Darling?” he whispered, almost afraid to believe his own thoughts.

  I nodded and gave him a tender smile.

  “I feel I’ve known you forever. You’re somewhere deep in my heart. How could I forget about you? Please, help me to find out the truth.”

  He reached out a hand and touched my arm, ever so lightly.

  My desire for him had ratcheted up and burnt inside my whole body with a vigor, threatening to burn out of control soon. I wanted nothing more than to wrap myself around him and meld our bodies together until we became as one. The fire burning in his gaze mirrored my own emotions, and I hardly remembered that we are in a public place.

  He traced a curl of my hair and let his fingers drift over my cheeks to my lips. He traced their outline with his fingertip, the caring look never leaving his eyes. This is the man I love!

  Suddenly, he pulled his hand away with an apology, “I’m sorry, but it felt like the right thing to do. Please forgive me. I am so attracted to you. Much more than I should, given that I’m in a relationship with another woman.”

  Then he started laughing, “Your outfit definitely isn’t appropriate for going out to drink a coffee at this time of the year in the city. Are you heading somewhere? “

  I laughed along with him, not knowing what else to do. We had already drawn way too many looks from other diners than I was comfortable with.

  “I love girls who aren’t slaves to the rules of society. Your outfit reminds me of something, but I can’t quite put my finger on it. Is there a reason for you wearing it?”

  I hesitated. Should I tell him or not? Wouldn’t it make more sense if he remembered on his own? Not being a doctor, I wasn’t sure if telling him would have any negative effects on his recovery. I didn’t want to manipulate him like Lara did. And I didn’t want him to become suspicious of what I told him. I needed him to believe and trust me.

  Suddenly a brilliant idea crossed my mind, “Why don’t I show you, instead?” I leaned over and kissed him softly on the lips. He returned the kiss and soon we were completely involved in the most passionate kiss of my life.

  He framed my head with his hands, holding me still as he invaded my mouth time and again. I was breathless, but didn’t want him to ever stop. His kiss reached right inside me, delving to the bottom of my soul. Everything about the kiss felt so right, so strong, so true. It’s as if our souls have connected deep down on a subconscious level.

  When neither of us could breathe, he sighed and took several calming breaths. We stared at each other while our breathing returned to normal and reality set in once again. We stood still in the middle of the coffee shop with people carefully compassing us. The waitress cleared her throat to make us notice her, “May I take your order please?”

  We both began to laugh and head towards one of the empty tables. Peter looked at me and said, “Let me order for you, please?”

  I agreed, wondering what he might choose. Much to my surprise, he ordered my favorite coffee macchiato extra strong with a shot of caramel and a plain coffee for himself. “You remember!”

  When the waitress left, he looked deeply into my eyes and nodded, “Yes I do now. Your kiss showed me so many things I had forgotten. Off course, there a still holes in my memory, but I recognized how much I love you.”

  He explained that he really didn’t want to go to the night club Friday night, because he wasn’t in the mood. His friends had insisted, though.

  “The same thing happened to me! My roommate Karen nagged and pleaded until I finally agreed.”

  “I’m so glad I let them bully me into going out.”

  “Me too.”

  “Please tell me everything.”


  He nodded, “Everything. Start with how we met.”

  I told him about our trip to Yosemite and about being stranded by Michael. I recounted our trip to his uncle’s cabin and the mudslide. I told him about the picnic we had on the beach the night before he left for Spain and how I had surprised him by arranging to visit with my auntie Sophie in Barcelona for a month. I told him about the beach party and then about the devastation of his accident and all that had transpired afterwards.

  We sat in the coffee shop for hours as I recounted our relationship. Peter sat and listened, occasionally asking questions, but for the most part he just listened intently. He held my hand throughout, his thumb rubbing circles across the back of my hand, making the fire burning for him stay on a low simmer.

  I was happy and so in love! It seems that my auntie Sophie’s wisdom had rung true again – True love really does overcome all challenges!

  Chapter 13

  Peter invited me to go to the beach with him the next weekend and he picked me up bright and early Saturday morning. After parking the car, we walked along the beach, holding hands and talking about our situation.

  His memory had been slowly returning, just like the doctors said it would, but he was still fuzzy on several areas. I answered his questions as honestly as I could, not holding anything back.

  He fumed over Lara’s betrayal; over the way she had twisted and manipulated reality for her own gain. He was livid that she had withheld the information concerning their breakup and had pretended that they were still a couple at the time of his accident. “I think she actually slowed down my recovery!”

  I agreed with him, but didn’t want to delve deeper into that topic, “Why don’t we talk about something pleasant?”

  “Pleasant? Okay, I’m the happiest man on earth. Now that I have found you again.”

  He pulled me to stand in front of him and his eyes showed so much love, the tragedy of the last few weeks quickly faded away. He pulled me to him and held me against his chest for a long moment. I could hear his heart beating and closed my eyes to savor the moment.

  When he drove me
home, he pulled me to him and gently kissed me. The soft, tender kiss quickly gave way to the raging inferno of need that was ready and willing to consume both of us, if we would only let it. But Peter wasn’t willing to do so – yet.

  Breaking away from the kiss, he pulled himself together and told me he would be in touch.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to come in?” I asked him.

  “I would like nothing more, but I better not.”

  He could see the hurt in my eyes and added, “Rachel, please be patient with me. I’ve had so many revelations in the last few days, and I need to deal with Lara before we two can resume our relationship.”

  I agreed with him. Somebody needed to deal with Lara! But still, I wanted him now and here! I’d been waiting so long.

  “I don’t want to be in two relationships at the same time. I love you, but I need you to be patient with me for a little longer.”

  “I love you to.” We kissed again and then I hurried inside the apartment.

  Karen was waiting for me and insisted I tell her everything. “I’m thrilled for you, Rachel.”

  I hugged her and asked, “So, what’s up with Robert. You guys were out pretty late last night.”

  Karen sighed, “Yeah. He’s so cute! We’ve been out a few times now, and each time gets better. We have so much in common; it’s actually kind of scary.”

  “I’m glad for you. I hope everything works out just fine.”

  I was on cloud nine. Having Peter back in my life completed me. I only hoped he straightened things out with Lara quickly.


  Peter and I spoke each evening on the phone, but he never mentioned getting together and I didn’t push. He had asked for me to be patient, and I tried to honor his wish, even though it was awfully difficult.

  About a week after our coffee shop meeting, he told me that he had broken things off with Lara, and she had suffered a nervous breakdown in the aftermath. From the way he behaved, it was clear to me, that he felt responsible for her behavior.