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Falling for Him 2 (Rachel and Peter in Love)

  Copyright Notice and Disclaimer

  Falling for Him 2

  By Jessica Gray

  Copyright © 2014 Jessica Gray

  Kindle Edition

  This book is copyrighted and protected by copyright laws.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission from the author.

  All characters, names, and places in this book exist only within the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons or locations is purely coincidental.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 1

  A sigh left me as I looked out over the porch at the hillside and let my eyes travel downwards, towards the sea. Barcelona was a beautiful sight, the sun stood still low in the sky, and the city was just starting to come to life. I watched the boats leaving the harbor and once again, I sighed as I remembered the last week.

  I had arrived in Barcelona a week ago in the late afternoon. Peter had been unsure of his meeting schedule and my auntie Sophie had arranged to be at the airport as well. Peter had made it after all and our reunion had been nothing short of fantastic.

  I had left the concourse, my eyes scanning the waiting crowd for the first glimpse of him. I had been a little nervous about having to meet my auntie alone, having only ever spoken to her twice on the phone.

  When I spied Peter’s head rising above the crowd, I had lost my control and rushed to meet him, jumping into his arms in happiness. Peter had caught me and swirled me around several times before setting me down, kissing me like a man dying of thirst and finally finding water. I had willing joined in, ignoring the voices around me and not caring what anyone thought.

  Peter had remained true to his word, calling me every night – early morning for me, and telling me everything he had done that day. Work at the project kept him busy, and neither of us had brought up the elephant in the room named, Lara. I knew she was working with him, but we both had decided to keep her away from us as much as possible. Speaking her name seemed like an invitation for her to create more havoc in our lives.

  Peter had finally wrapped an arm around my shoulders and introduced me to my auntie Sophie; who promptly pulled me into a big hug, kissing both of my cheeks and complimenting me on my appearance. She vacillated between Spanish and English, and I hoped that during my visit I would learn some basic Spanish so I could keep up with her.

  Peter had picked up on my nervousness about meeting her during our phone conversations and had made a point to meet her beforehand. As he told me this, I fell another little more in love with him, than I already was. Peter was so thoughtful sometimes, and I told him that as I hugged him once more.

  She had been sweet and gracious and after collecting my luggage, had invited Peter back to her villa for dinner. I recalled how nervous I had been about the travel arrangements; having just arrived, I really didn’t want to spend one second away from Peter. But my aging aunt had made the effort to come and pick me up and I didn’t want to offend her by not going with her.

  A smile crossed my face as I recalled the relief I had shown upon my face when she informed me one of the vineyard workers had brought her to the airport to pick me up. She was pleased to have me ride with Peter and follow them home.

  Unbeknownst to me, Peter had met my aunt at the airport before my arrival and she had been very impressed with my young man. Enough so, that she had made a vow to help our relationship blossom in any way she could.

  Sophie and her husband Carlos had married more than 40 years earlier, and had enjoyed both the ups and the downs that life had to offer. They owned a small vineyard on the hillside outside of Barcelona and had a small staff of workers, which also lived on their property. It was obvious that their employees respected them and my aunt and uncle treated everyone the same.

  Sophie was full of wisdom, much of which she had shared with me over the last week as I worked with her and the others in the vineyards. I enjoyed being outdoors, and working alongside her I had enjoyed a sense of peace and rightness that had been missing from my hectic student life.

  She taught me how to cook some new dishes and I had been methodically writing everything down in my free time. This would help me to reproduce the sumptuous meals when I returned to the States.

  I let my gaze wander over the city skyline below and was once again amazed at where my life had taken me since that fateful trip to Yosemite several months back. Peter and I had not gotten along well at all when we first met. But all of that lay the past now.

  We had spent every evening together since my arrival, exploring Barcelona and playing tourist. Peter worked every day, and was determined to try and finish up his work in as little time as possible. He wanted to travel back home as soon as possible to be with me, because I could stay in Spain only 4 weeks. Me, in turn, simply enjoyed being with him.

  We experienced everything that an ancient European city like Barcelona has to offer. It was my first trip to Europe. And I was amazed about the huge amount of old buildings, the museums and the culture and heritage that could be seen everywhere. We visited the amazing cathedrals and appreciated grand works of art, ate wonderful food, and took long walks together.

  Peter and I had yet to sleep together since my arrival, but the kissing and caresses we exchanged each night were amazing. I smiled as I stretched my arms above my head. Today was Saturday, and Peter was coming to pick me up this morning for the trip to Canyet de Mar with some of his colleagues from work. Everyone had told me that Canyet de Mar is a charming little town one hour drive up north with a spectacular beach. I was excited. We would have the entire weekend to be together and I bit my lip imagining how wonderful being with him again would be.

  “Rachel, come. Peter is here,” my aunt called from inside the house.

  I smiled and pushed up from the recliner, anxious for the weekend to begin. When entering the house, I saw Sophie give Peter the requisite kiss upon each cheek before turning towards me.

  She stepped away as Peter took a step towards me, giving me a quick glance before pulling me close and stealing my breath away with his kiss. The week of only exchanging kisses and touches had fueled his need, and I smiled as I realized that he longed for the weekend as much as I did.

  “Amor joven,” I heard Sophie say with a laugh.

  When I lifted my head, she smiled at us, shaking her head. “What does that mean?” I asked, curious.

  “Young love.”

  Peter squeezed me close and nibbled on my earlobe causing another rush of longing to make its way. I giggled as I pushed him away.

  Sophie watched us indulgently and then spoke again, “You are both so much into each other. Your love is like a beacon. Protect it and nurture it and it will last a lifetime.”

  I nodded my head, figuring she knew what she as talking about. I had observed her interaction with my uncle and I had caught them snuggling on the porch or walking hand-in-hand through the vineyard several times. This was so adorable after being married for more than 40 years! I wished Peter and I would grow old together and still be in love with each other like them.

  “Are you ready?” Peter asked.

  I nodded, indicating my overnight bag sitting near the doo
r. “Yes. I’m so excited. Sophie has been telling me all about the beach there. It sounds beautiful.”

  “Everyone at the office gushes about the beach, but nothing can be as beautiful as you,” Peter replied, dropping another kiss on my nose.

  I pushed him away playfully, “I bet you say that to all the girls.”

  Peter waggles his eyebrows and picked up my bag.

  “You two have fun.”

  I gave Sophie a hug. I had never been a very demonstrative person, but Sophie brought that out in me. She always hugged or kissed those around her and her actions had started to wear off on me. Peter didn’t seem to mind, and I found it refreshing to share human contact with others for the sheer enjoyment of the moment.

  Peter led me out to his company car, and I gave him a big smile when I noticed it was a convertible and he had let the roof down. The drive to the beach was going to be fabulous.

  Chapter 2

  As we pulled out of Barcelona, headed north, I turned in my seat so I could look at Peter as he drove. His strong hands on the steering wheel caught my attention as I remembered what they felt like on my body. I let my eyes travel up his arms, grateful to my dark sunglasses which allowed me to peruse his physique without his knowledge.

  He wore a tight, white t-shirt which offset the dark tan on his muscular arms, a pair of jeans which I knew would mold to his lean waist and muscular thighs, and sandals. His dark hair was slightly longer in the back, just brushing the nape of his neck and curling in the humidity. I couldn’t see his eyes beneath his dark aviator glasses, but I knew the deep cerulean blue color was full of life and happiness. It was written all over his face as well.

  The wind blew through my hair, which made me briefly contemplate the tangled mess I might have to deal with when we arrived. But I shrugged my shoulders on such mundane problems. Today was not one for worrying, but one for enjoying life to the fullest.

  I headed to a beautiful beach along the coast of Spain with my gorgeous boyfriend, who could easily pass for a film star (at least in my opinion). The weather perfect, the sun shining, and we had the entire weekend to ourselves.

  Peter had been working extra hard on his project, and on our evening jaunts, he had told me a lot about his colleagues. I was anxious to meet the people Peter spent his days with; but even more anxious to spend some alone time with my man.

  My man. What an awesome thought! Peter Shaw, this gorgeous, eligible man was mine! He was with me! I hadn’t felt this confident or enthusiastic about a relationship – ever.

  Peter made me feel so special – like I was the only woman in the world. True, we had already gone through a few bumps in the road, like when his ex-girlfriend set my hair on fire! But we had come out stronger for the experience. Our trust in each other had grown and our relationship was secure.

  Peter glanced over at me and smiled, melting my insides a little more. When he reached across the shifter and took my hand in his, I relaxed back in my seat and took in the scenery. Looking out I could appreciate the blue-green of the Mediterranean Sea sparkling back at me. It was so different than the Pacific Ocean: not only the color, but also the temperature. The water is actually warm! Ideal for a chilled through girl like me.

  The beaches in California had much to offer, but the water always seemed to be a little on the cool side. I had heard that the Florida coast was much warmer because of its southerly location and lack of cold water being pushed down from Alaska, but I’d never been.

  Sophie had told me that swimming in the Mediterranean was like taking a lukewarm bath. I couldn’t wait to experience it for myself. Especially since Peter would be by my side.

  The drive to Canyet de Mar took about an hour and I marveled at the quaint little buildings as we headed towards our hotel. Like most of the smaller towns in Spain, large chain hotels were absent and small, family-owned hotels took their place.

  Peter had acquired rooms for us at a romantic little hotel with a private patio off the bedroom offering ocean views. The old world décor and atmosphere of the place added to the romance and feelings we were both trying to keep contained.

  “This place is amazing,” I told Peter as we entered our assigned room.

  “Yeah. Consuelo recommended this place. You’ll meet her in a bit. She’s the Spanish head of the project and I’m sure you’ll really like her. Everyone does. She’s the most friendly and welcoming person I’ve ever worked with.”

  I listened as Peter went on to tell me about some of the other people I would be meeting shortly. Peter spoke highly of everyone and didn’t mention his ex Lara even once. I took a secret pleasure at that.

  “So, what’s the plan for the party?”

  “It’s your normal beach party. Everyone’s been working so hard, we thought it might be a good way to build teamwork between the American team and the Spanish team. A little fun and relaxation to get to know one another better.”

  “That’s a great idea.”

  “Glad you approve.” Peter approached me and tugged me onto his lap as he sat on the corner of the bed. “I have lots of great ideas. Want to hear some more?”

  I settled on his lap, straddling his thighs and wrapping my hands around his shoulders. “Sure.”

  Peter leaned closer and whispered several very naughty, but great ideas in my ear, causing me to both blush and shiver in anticipation.

  While leaning back so I could meet his eyes, I asked, “Any chance of putting some of those ideas into action before the party?”

  Peter shook his head, “Sadly, no. But never fear, I’m not likely to forget and there’s always later.”

  I leaned forward and kissed him, letting him take control and ravage my mouth for several moments. When we were both breathless, I scooted off his lap, “I guess I better change before it’s too late.”

  Peter nodded, the fire burning in his eyes testifying to the self-control he needed to exert at the moment. “Don’t forget your bathing suit. Consuelo said there would be showers and changing cabanas available. I’ll grab us a couple of towels and some sunscreen.”

  I entered the bathroom and quickly changed into a light strapless sundress. The teal green color enhanced my tan and the highlights in my hair. The skirt stopped just above mid-thigh, and while it was shorter than I normally wore, it made my legs look miles long. I felt very feminine and flirty in the outfit.

  When I exited the bathroom, I was glad I had dared to wear this dress. The appreciation on Peter’s face was priceless and promised great things for later that night.

  “Wow! That’s….just Wow!” Peter had lost his speech and I grinned from ear to ear when he started fanning his face.

  I looked him over, noticing that he had rolled several towels up and grabbed a beach bag as well. “Can I put my bathing suit in that bag?”

  “Sure. Mine’s already in there. The water’s always warm this time of the year. What a change that will be from California.”

  “That’s what my aunt said. Do we need to bring anything?”

  “No. The company’s catered everything out. All we have to do is show up and enjoy.”



  Many people already gathered on the beach by the time we found a place to park and trekked across the sand. The beach was a situated in a small cove, offering lots of fine, white sand and bordered by cliffs at each end. Several small boats anchored on the right side, where a stone walkway extended out into the ocean.

  Peter walked me around, introducing me to everyone we met as his girlfriend and my heart swell with emotion. Several people were already swimming and others playing a friendly game of Frisbee further up the beach. Everyone seemed to be having a great time.

  I kept glancing around, waiting for Lara to appear, relieved when she didn’t. Peter introduced me to Consuelo, his Spanish counterpart, and we immediately hit it off. When several of the guys asked him to come play with them, he ran off to join them, leaving me to continue my conversation with Consuelo.

“So, have you been to many of the museums, yet?” she asked.

  “Yes a few. I love especially the big cathedral by Gaudí.”

  “Oh, the La Sagrada Familia cathedral. I absolutely love his architecture. In my opinion Gaudí was the greatest Spanish architect in history.”

  I smiled at her, pleased to find out we had yet another thing in common. “It’s pretty cool that he actually is from Barcelona.”

  “Yes. There are many buildings here, which he designed. His paintings and other works are amazing as well.”

  “I remember taking an Art History class in college; I always liked his work. I never thought I’d actually get to see it up close, though.”

  “There’s an art exhibition later next week which is going to premier two of his paintings which were j recently discovered hidden in his old workshop. Would you be interested in going?”

  I eagerly accepted, “I’d love to.”

  “Great. I’ll give Peter the details at work on Monday and he can pass on the specifics to you.”

  “That’s awesome. Thank you.”

  “Don’t mention it. I’m glad you were able to come over here. Peter was so unhappy the first week of his stay. But since you arrive, he’s been all smiles and sunshine.”

  I laughed, “I’m glad as well. I was pretty lonely back in the States without him.”

  “So, how long have you two been together?” Consuelo asked.

  “Not long. We met a few months ago. It seems really short, but it feels like we’ve known each other forever.”

  Consuelo nodded her head, “That’s the way it’s supposed to be.”

  Peter came up behind me, picking me up when I gasped in surprise. “Hey! Let’s take a swim.”

  “Okay. Let me change.” I took the proffered bathing suit he held out and turned back to his co-worker, “Consuelo, it was really nice to meet you.”

  “You too. I’ll give Peter the information on the exhibit.”

  I nodded, following Peter to the cabanas to change.